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Programs and Services
Our holistic, community-based approach to preventing and ending childhood homelessness.
Diversion. Shelter. Stabilization.
We recognize that childhood and family homelessness is a complex issue that requires comprehensive, innovative solutions. Our holistic approach includes three key areas of focus: diversion, shelter, and stabilization.

We are there when a family’s homelessness is imminent, and we work to avoid the trauma of a family losing their housing. We do this through:
Case management and community support
Tenancy training
Landlord mediation
"Because of your help, I can just focus on working and being a mama to a newborn and toddler. Seems like a small thing to most people, but for me it feels like a wonderful gift."
Housing location
Access to career certifications
- Prevention program graduate
Last year, we served 441 people in 118 families.
Family Promise of Gainesville offers a holistic solution to family homelessness and our shelter models ensure the right fit for a family.
Rotational shelter
Our rotational shelter model engages a network of community partners, often faith communities, to shelter families with children in different locations on a rotational basis. This volunteer-run model allows us to shelter families at a third of the traditional shelter cost.


When moving into their own home after graduating from our shelter program: "I am shaking right now. I have never had someone show me so much kindness."
- Shelter program graduate
In 2023, we provided 4,387 nights of shelter for local families.

Our goal is not simply getting families into housing - it is keeping them housed. Stabilization programs provide support and reduce the risk of a family’s re-entry into homelessness. Examples include:
Budgeting classes and financial literacy
Education and career pathways
"We have a home now. This is a positive program for those of us willing to do what is needed to better our situation."
Community resources and connections
Permanent supportive housing for parents with a disability
Rapid re-housing assistance for eligible families in our program
- Family Promise graduate
95% of the families we serve remain housed one year later.
All programs incorporate comprehensive case management and community engagement, empowering and uplifting families struggling with homelessness.
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